Tuspipe Torque Tube: Performance Improvements in Solar Trackers

Tuspipe Torque Tube: Performance Improvements in Solar Trackers

Photovoltaic solar trackers are critical elements that enable the enhancement of the operation of photovoltaic systems. By tilting solar panels at different positions during the day, they enhance the way in which they capture energy. The torque tube is one of the important structural members of the solar tracker systems since it determines the ability of the solar panels to move and be stable. This article discusses how a Tuspipe Torque Tube for Solar Tracker improves efficiency and its application in the renewable energy industry.

What is a Torque Tube?

A torque tube is a cylindrical or square tube that serves as a supporting structure member used in the bracketing and positioning of the solar tracking panels. Connecting to solar modules, the Tuspipe torque tube subtends forces of both bending and torsional kinds during the operation of the tracker. This guarantees that all the PV modules move in unison, meaning all the “panels” are perfectly positioned with regard to the angle of the sun’s rays. The handling of these mechanical forces is crucial on the torque tube to ensure the efficient and long term functioning of the tracker.

Torque Tube and Efficiency of Solar Tracker

Single-axis tracking devices turn the solar panels in a north-south direction to allow east-west tracking of the panels. This movement enables the panels to always be in the best position to capture sun light all through the day. The torque tube plays a great role in this mechanism since it turns the force in a rotational manner and then distributes it equally on to the panels. A crucial factor in how much power is produced by a solar panel is the angle of incidence—how the solar energy strikes the panel. If the panels are arranged on a fixed-angle basis, they do not get the right angle to the sun during the day. However, with Solar Trackers, the torque tube ensures that the panels have to move and follow the position of the sun, maximizing energy incident angle. This can result in energy gain of up to twenty-five percent more than the fixed-tilt systems that are in place today. Although installation of solar panels can be done on static structures, trackers significantly increase overall energy efficiency. Nevertheless, the reliability of solar trackers remains in the design and performance of its critical parts, such as the Tuspipe torque tube that controls the operations of the panels.

Single-axis Trackers

These trackers can slid in one dimension frequently. They turn horizontally from east to west to mimic the sun’s daily course.

Dual-axis Trackers

These trackers operate along two orthogonal planes, which allow them to tilt the panel’s orientation horizontally and vertically to follow the sun in the best way possible during a given day or year.

Torque Tube and Structural Stability

The most important advantage of torque tubes, apart from improving the energy efficiency of trackers, is their ability to act as structural members of solar trackers. Through the torque tube, all the modules of the tracker are interconnected; hence, it will move in a harmonious manner. This feature makes it possible for the panels to withstand bending and torsional forces and thus remain firmly attached during storms or when carrying much weight up the building. In essence, when the torque tube is well designed, the tracker moves efficiently and with minimum mechanical forces degrading the components hence increasing the solar tracking systems’ total lifetime. Besides, Tuspipe torque tubes are further protected by a layer of galvanized steel or any good material that will reduce the corrosion rate as well as enable the torque tubes to withstand the impacts of different weather such as rain, wind, and temperature variation.

Tuspipe’s Role in Torque Tube Performance

API 5L Pipes manufacturer Tuspipe has used its knowledge of high-quality steel pipe manufacturing to improve the design and function of solar tracker torque tubes. Currently, solar tracking systems impose certain requirements onto the torque tubes that ensure their high strength, durability, and, at the same time, relatively low cost; this is the primary reason that Tuspipe decided to dedicate its efforts to this particular range of torque tubes. This is particularly important as skyscrapers crane from cage like structures without the high strength structures required to support the loads as a building sky scrapers today would not have been feasible. In addition, for skyscrapers, which are crane like structures today, the cage like structures require high load bearing capacity.


The torque tube is an essential factor for improving the performance of solar trackers. Tracking of the panels enables them to follow the path of sun light accurately. This, in turn, enhances energy, efficiency of systems and durability. Since there is increasing usage of power from solar energy, quality torque tubes are vital in tracking systems. They not only enhance the efficiency of the installed solar equipment but also enhance the sustainability of solar power installations.